We can say that SEO is a way that companies choose to increase websites access, through a set of techniques and strategies that allow a site to improve its positioning in organic search results; those that are not derived from paid advertising, search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing among others.
A good SEO strategy allows your site to appear in the first position on search engines results pages. Thus, your site, whether an institutional site, online shop or a blog, becomes better known, gains authority in the market, receives more visitors and increases the chances of conversions.
But even before we think of a strategy to achieve this result, the assumption is to have an idea if the site in question offers the ideal conditions for this. Therefore, a complete analysis of the site is mandatory, including checking in parallel how the competition behaves. The insights from the analysis have the potential to turn your website into a sales machine. This transformation is what we offer for a very affordable price!
But to implement action derived from this analysis? MySiteFaster has the conditions and knowledge to fix the vulnerable points of SEO: Accessibility, Best Practices, Vulnerabilities and Performance in relation to the site elements. It’s time to start to fly!